German Stream
Abitur Facts
There is agreement between the governments of the Republic of South Africa and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the introduction of a South African German bilingual secondary school qualification (Abitur / National Senior Certificate) at the German schools in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria.
Examination boards and subjects
Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany for the subjects:
- German Mother Tongue
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- History
- French as 1st additional language
South African Department of Education through its accredited assessment bodies (IEB) for the subjects:
- English Home Language
- Life Orientation plus Sport and Gemeinschaftskunde
- Afrikaans 1st additional language
- Music Appreciation
- Visual Arts Appreciation
Subject Choices
9 subjects – 41 lessons per week in grade 10 – 12 choices:
2 out of 3 natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
French or Afrikaans
Music Appreciation or Visual Arts Appreciation
Double certification (Abitur and NSC)
Calculation of average mark over 2 years (grade 11 and 12)
Final examination:
- 3 written examinations (German, English obligatory)
- 2 oral examinations:
- 20min colloquium
- 20min project presentation including colloquium
No average subject marks
Overall average mark: 66% half year marks + 33% final examination marks
Outcome-based, integrate co-operative learning environments
Problem-oriented tasks preferred over small-step questions
Require and promote the ability to work independently, think critically and take responsibility
Content of German subjects according to German regulations goes further in certain areas than equivalent content in NSC