German International School Cape Town

Bilingual teaching

The abbreviation BlU stands for “Bilingualer Unterricht” which means bilingual teaching – it is the term for classes held and subjects taught in two languages. In the case of the DSK that is German and English. BlU is done at schools of mutual encounter like the DSK, where learners of various mother tongues meet and are taught together. This diversity of languages poses a challenge to everybody involved, but at the same time, it offers a great opportunity.

Our learners, unlike at other schools, are provided with the unique chance of reaching a higher language proficiency in both English and German.

BlU or very similar methods are practised at all German Schools worldwide and they have proven to be very successful methods of language acquisition – if they are thoroughly introduced.

To ensure such a thorough introduction, the DSK follows a specifically staggered procedure:

  • In Grade 5 all subjects already contain lessons that are taught in German.
  • In Grade 6 these lessons will become longer and more frequent.
  • From Grade 7 onwards, the subject Biology will be taught primarily in German. The German language will also phase into the other subjects and continue on a more advanced level.
  • From Grade 8 onwards, certain teaching content in both Biology and Physics will be entirely in German. German will continue to phase into other subjects on an advanced level.
  • At the end of Grade 9, the learners will be prepared to successfully obtain the German Language Certificate I (DSDI).

Grade 6 Geography lesson partly in German

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