History of the school
1875 Purchase of a property for the construction of a school by the St. Martini parish, Cape Town
1883 Founding of the Deutsche St. Martini School
1903 Initial financial assistance by the government of the German Reich
1930 The school becomes the responsibility of the School Association
1961 Name changed to Deutsche Internationale Schule Kapstadt (DSK). School moved to a new building and was financed greatly by the Federal Republic of Germany.
1964 First matric examination at the DSK
1978 Inauguration of the Arthur-Painczyk sports field
1981 Admission to the DSK open for learners of all races
1983 Inauguration of the new swimming pool and 100 Year Celebration
1984 Construction of the natural sciences classrooms
1987 Introduction of the third Language stream
1989 First German post-matric (Abitur) examination at the DSK
1992 Olympiad of the German Schools in Southern Africa at the DSK for the first time
1994 Construction of the new hostel
1995 Inauguration of the 2nd primary school campus in Bellville and a “Music Festival” of the German schools in Southern Africa at the DSK
1997 Inauguration of the GiselaLangeMusic hall and the renovated Konrad-Taeuber-Hall
1998 Relocation of the primary school from Bellville to Parow
2002 Completion of the newly designed school playground
2003 Official opening of the 2nd computer room
2006 Inauguration of the Gisela Lange Music Centre
2008 125 Year Celebration, the creation of the “School Time” sculpture
2009 Interactive whiteboards installed in all Grade 5 and above classrooms
2009 First combined German International Abitur/NSC exams
2010 Inauguration of refurbished science labs with the Premier of the Western Cape, Helen Zille as our guest
2010 Inauguration of the first solar power plant which provides electricity to 6 classrooms
2011 Opening of a second Grade 5 English language class
2011 BLI (Bund-Länder-Inspektion) German Seal of Quality for Academic Excellence received
2012 Sports Olympiad held at the DSK
2013 Orchestra Festival of the German schools in Southern Africa held at the DSK
2013 A new building opening with a library, 8 classrooms and a multi-function room
2014 DSK wins the Sports Olympiad for the first time
2014 First iPad class sets are purchased
2015 Introduction of the DSK’s new Vision & Mission statement
2016 Introduction of the DSK Strategy 2025
2016 DSK wins the Sports Olympiad for the second consecutive time
2016 Inauguration of the new photovoltaic plant which covers the school’s daily energy consumption
2017 BLI II (Bund-Länder-Inspektion): DSK is once again awarded the German Seal of Quality for Academic Excellence
2018 135 Year Celebration
2018 DSK receives full accreditation from Umalusi
2018 DSK wins the SA Lego Robotics Championships (FLL) and qualifies for the FFL World Championships in the US
2018 DSK achieves Eco-school status after receiving the bronze award from WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa)
2019 Inauguration of the new sports hall
2020 DSK receives full accreditation from Umalusi once again
2021 DSK Science Centre plans approved