German International School Cape Town

IEB Subject Choices

The IEB subjects offered at our school are:


  • English Home Language
  • Afrikaans 1st Additional Language OR IsiXhosa 1st Additional Language
  • German 2nd Additional Language & DSD 2
  • Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy from Grade 11
  • Life Orientation


  • Physical Science
  • Life Science
  • Information Technology (Ssir)
  • Visual Arts
  • History
  • Accounting
  • Computer Applications Technology
  • Design
  • Business Studies
  • Note that one science subject is required for German tertiary studies. Choose either life sciences or physics as an elective

Other subjects may be offered for the final Grade 12 examination, by arrangement with the school, such as Music, Drama, Italian, and indeed any subject, which is examinable by the IEB. In these cases, parents finance the tuition while the external teacher/service provider has the responsibility of liaising with the school concerning termly tests and examination results. IEB Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy OptionThis option is available to IEB schools only, learner can choose to do Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy. Its purpose is to retain learners, by offering Mathematics to those who may have changed to Mathematical Literacy at the start of their Grade 12 year. We believe that the most common reasons why learners would opt for this option are:

  • Fear of failing Mathematics and possibly, in the process, failing the NSC.
  • Fear of getting less than 50% in Mathematics and hence not qualifying for a Bachelor Degree pass.
  • Fear of not achieving a sufficiently high admission points score (APS) to enter university or their choice of study. Note: Only one option will appear on the NSC certificate.

Advanced Program CoursesThe key purpose of the Advanced Program Courses in Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English are to prepare learners for tertiary study. In Mathematics the preparation is in the form of exposure to concepts and branches of Mathematics that are part and parcel of the first-year university Mathematics and Mathematics-related courses; the emphasis is on subject content and giving learners a fundamental understanding of advanced mathematical concepts.By contrast, the Advanced Programs in English is designed to encourage learners to develop a strong sense of personal voice, both in relation to the texts they have studied and the questions to which they must respond. The ability to interrogate ideas and formulate responses across a wide range of texts is critical in the learner’s development. This is encouraged by active involvement in tutorial-style discussions following their independent reading of the texts. The program is designed to promote independent study and build confidence through the freedom to articulate opinions and defend them, and in being able to interrogate the opinions of others. Key traits such as independent thinking and self-discipline are developed and will sustain learners as they advance their studies.What resources are publicly available?– Subject guidelines (assessment program) for Grade 12 in each IEB subject- Old exam papersThe IEB, on an annual basis, also publishes its NSC examination papers from the previous year. 

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