German International School Cape Town
Angela Naumann-Daun
Isabell Anders
Ntsekhe Moiloa
Tali Anderssen
Michael Bauer
Alessia Cabib
Richard Doyle
Sabrina Gellermann
Heike Gerntholtz
Neil Jacobs
Bulelwa Nombutuma
Paulette Preyser

School Board

The Board of the DSK is responsible for directing the business affairs of the school according to the School Association’s Constitution, and for fulfilling its fiduciary, advisory and oversight duties.

There are up to ten voting members on the Board. Nine of whom are elected at the AGM of the School Association in a two-year cycle, with the tenth member being appointed by the Lutheran Church. The Board may co-opt up to four additional non-voting members at any time. In addition, a member of the German Consulate takes part in Board meetings as a non-voting member.

The Board enjoys a close working relationship with school management and school administration, with the Principal, the Deputy Principal, as well as the Bursar, being part of Board meetings.

There are monthly Board meetings throughout the term, as well as other extra meetings as needed. There are five elected offices within the Board: Chair, Deputy Chair (two), Secretary and Treasurer and four standing committees: Finance, Personnel, Building Works and Marketing. In addition to these committees, Board members are responsible for their own designated portfolios/committees, supporting a specific field of the school.

In 2024/2025, the Board office, portfolio and committee responsibilities are as follows:

Elected Offices

Chairperson:  Angela Naumann-Daun
Deputy Chair:  Isabell Anders
Deputy Chair:  Ntsekhe Moiloa 
Secretary:  Richard Doyle
Treasurer:  Isabell Anders

Standing Committees

Communications & Marketing:  Alessia Cabib, Bulelwa Nombutuma
Building Matters:  Michael Bauer
Personnel:  Angela Naumann-Daun, Isabell Anders
Legal and risk management:  Tali Anderssen

Additional portfolios 2024/2025

Primary School and Kindergarten:  Heike Gerntholtz, Ntsekhe Moiloa 
Arts and Culture:  tbc
Steering Committee:  Heike Gerntholtz, Angela Naumann-Daun
Transformation, Diversity and Inclusion :  Tali Anderssen, Bulelwa Nombutuma
External relations (ISASA/WDA/ZfA/AA):  Angela Naumann-Daun, Ntsekhe Moiloa
Health & Safety:  Michael Bauer
STEM and ICT:  Richard Doyle, Ntsekhe Moiloa
Pastoral Guidance:  Petra Gerntholtz (interim)

The Board fosters an open dialogue with all stakeholders of the school and works with the portfolios in the Parent Representative Committee.


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