Transformation-Diversity-Inclusion Portfolio
Definitions of TDI
In an organisational context, a process of profound and radical change that orients an organisation in a new direction and takes it to an entirely different level of effectiveness. In a South African context, the term “transformation” is generally used to express a change from the systems in place during colonialism and apartheid to something that is in line with our democratically developed Constitution, and which achieves real lived equality and non-discrimination in all spheres of life.
Diversity means all the ways in which we differ. Anything that makes us unique is part of this definition of diversity. Diversity means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences: life experiences, learning and working styles, personality types and group/social differences: race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, class, age, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, country of origin, language, ability, traditions and perspectives, as well as cultural, political, religious, and other affiliations that can be engaged to achieve excellence in education.
Inclusion involves bringing together and harnessing these diverse forces and resources.
Inclusion puts the concept and practice of diversity into action by creating a welcoming and open environment of involvement, respect, and connection—where the richness of different ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives are harnessed to create value. Organisations need both diversity and inclusion to be successful.
The inclusive schooling of learners with the need for special education has hence posed a task and challenge to many schools. The DSK is a “school for all”. In line with our vision and Strategy 2025 we have made it our aim to offer, within our means, optimal development opportunities, to learners with the need for inclusive accommodations. Irrespective of disability, performance, gender or social and cultural origin, the DSK offers all learners the opportunity to evolve according to their individual potential. Inclusive education opportunities facilitate children and adolescents with disabilities or special educational needs, an equitable access to all that the classroom, the courses of education and everyday school life has to offer. As a result of our efforts with regards to inclusion and the relevant inclusion concept being generated in 2016, we are proud to successfully guide numerous learners with very different needs through their daily school routine.
What is the primary function of the portfolio?
- Support the development, implement and evolve the DSK’s Transformation Strategy, which includes Diversity and Inclusion. Support the school in meeting legislative requirements relating to TDI and in working according to best practice and innovation from South Africa, Germany and around the globe.
- Support the development, implement and evolve sustainable plans, processes and solutions within this framework as well as the school’s constitution, and enhance the school’s ability to live its vision and mission in everyday practice.
- We wish to acknowledge the need for long-term healing of the wounds of South Africa’s divided and oppressive past. This is an inter-generational task, moving one step at a time towards a society characterised by inclusion, equality and respect for all.
- To create and maintain a school culture where learners and staff cherish diversity and engage skillfully with difference
- To prepare learners for an increasingly diverse and global world
Goals & Objectives
- engage with relevant stakeholders in working towards alignment with the Strategy 2025
- work with the dedicated board member, teacher(s) and management; supporting a long-term diversity and inclusion vision and practice for the school
- actively question existing norms and practices at the DSK
- encourage and support spaces and events for engagement and dialogue, in particular enable relationship-building and learn from one another’s experiences (promotion of voices/stories that are usually not heard / silenced) e.g. DSK Conversations
- proactively create awareness and learn on issues of Transformation, Diversity and Inclusion (including a range of activities for learners, teachers, staff, management and parents) and promote action towards concrete structural and institutional changes
- keep abreast with developments, forums and what is going on around us with regards to the subject, and share this with stakeholders at the DSK
- share best practice & learn from other independent schools on questions of race, class, gender, trans-generational dialogue and questions of dis/ability etc.
The TDI Portfolio is a team of DSK parents committed to Diversity, Inclusion and Transformation. They report to the Parent Council and can be contacted at